Thursday, March 21, 2013

On the Matter of Money

. . . that they bring an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with with his heart . . . Exodus 25:2

Every man according as he purposed in his heart, [so let him give;] not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver. II Corinthians 9:7

. . . as [God] hath prospered him . . . I Corinthians 16:2

The KU Medical Hospital estimates the amount of a bone marrow transplant (BMT) as $250,000. This does not include incidental expenses incurred as a result of trips that must be made to Kansas City for the BMT nor any follow up that could possibly arise. Our resources available are $125,000. Since the diagnosis, we have used nearly $20,000 of those resources locally. Considering the above statistics, our fundraising goal is set at $150,000. The cost could vary greatly depending on whether the BMT is complex or simple, cost reductions and other factors. Up to this point KU has routinely given us a 30% reduction on the bills thus far. If they continued, the fundraising goal would be lowered to about $70,000.

Christian Healthcare Ministries ( is the source of the $125,000. They have also been working with KU Med as our advocates in cost reduction. Lori Perko is at the point in this aspect. She is shooting for a 50% reduction.

HelpHOPELive ( is an organization we are using to be an accountability partner in the fundraising efforts as well as a clearinghouse for information. Because we are using them, all contributions will be tax deductible and can be made online and anonymously if desired.

In determining if and how to contribute, please consider the following steps.

1. Pray. Ask God for wisdom and guidance first and foremost. Let this be a time to focus on Him.

2. As God prospers you, check your heart. God wants you to give from a willing and cheerful heart. Do what makes your heart sing!

3. For those who live around Salina, come to the benefit dinner April 14 to celebrate God's faithfulness. If coming to Salina is not possible, mail in your contribution or donate online as God moves you.

Please pray:
that the all the medical providers would continue to give us at least a 30% reduction on bills.
That Christian Healthcare Ministries and specifically Lori Perko are granted favor in the eyes of KU Med
that God would continue to give Velda and I wisdom
for complete healing

Thank you

P.S. Tom Wilbur wrote an article published locally. It was quite humbling to read and it brought tears to Velda's eyes (she gave me permission to share that). He uses the $70,000 goal. The thermometer on is set to $150,000 for  now until further notice.

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