Friday, July 24, 2009

Five day clubs

I have been busy this following week with two five day clubs. The first had three boys who were 12 and two were 14. This club was challenging but enjoyable. The second club had 12 children with ages between 3 and 12. This one was able to raise the astonishing amount of $53.53 in four days for the missionaries. The Lord blessed both these clubs as Michaela and I taught them.

Not in Existence

At one of Michaela's and Joshua's all boy five day clubs, the boys think they made up having a little sister. (Do they really tell all those outlandish tales about me?!) Anyway, that made me feel pretty unimportant. So I want them to take a picture with them today.


Thursday, July 23, 2009

Built Up

This title expresses my mind, body, and spirit after our vacation to Horn Creek Family Camp in Colorado. Our time together and with other families was so valuable and uplifting to me. We had a wonderful assortment of activities as well as quiet study and alone time with our our Creator. As is the subject for many is the altitude and its effect on the heart, yet Gods' grace towards us during this past week far surpasses the vastness of air in Colorado. As we left the camp and travelled on to Colorado Springs to visit Focus On The Family visitor center and then onto Golden to visit friends in the area, the sermon on Sunday reminded us what God desires for us in keeping ourselves in the Love of God;being grounded and secure in the words of Christ. Here are a few verses from the sermon: But ye, beloved, building up yourselves on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost, Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life. And of some have compassion, making a difference: And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh. Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of his glory with exceeding joy, To the only wise God our Savior, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. Amen. Jude: 1: 20,21,24,25.

Recovery Room

After jumping through a few hoops which another member of the family might elucidate on, our entire family loaded in to DW and made the eight hour drive to the Horn Creek family camp in CO. We left at five so when we crossed the border at eleven we had quite a welcome. Almost as soon as we entered CO a enormous lightning and rain storm washed down on us. We could see pretty well because of the lightning but the pounding rain kind of blurred everything. Welcome to Colorado!! We met some great families at the Lodge where we stayed and boy was the food good. Our speaker talked about how God's love should be shown through us as Christians and he used excellent illustrations to show that. Now comes the series of pictures showing what we did which you can decipher yourself. My favorite activity I will let someone else blog about

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Good News, Home Alone and More

Grace had worked this year for the purpose of going to Good News Camp. She saved $80 and sent in her application only to find out that the week she could go was full and our family would be out of town the other week. We did not have a happy camper at that point. We encouraged her to give thanks in order to acknowledge that God was in control. On Sunday Michaela and Joshua left to be counselors at this camp. On Monday, some of Grace's friends left to be campers. We were proud of the fact that after a fair amount of tears initially, she help up really well. Especially since others around her were talking about the week with excited anticipation. Mid-morning on Monday we received a call from Good News Camp telling us to bring Grace. There was an opening for her because of a cancellation. I would show you a happy Grace picture but she was such a blur getting ready and leaving that you will just have to imagine the look of our happy camper after she heard the good news. This now leaves Velda and I home alone. I have a choral directors state convention Thursday through Saturday leaving Velda by herself a couple of days. Finally we painted our porch. I'm the painter in the red shirt. Velda got a great deal on some high quality paint for the deck. She got it without taking regard for the color. She would best describe it as plum. It is glossy and shows dirt immediately. In the last picture you can see a faint reflection of Grace and Velda on the porch deck. We will be providing a shoe/foot cleaning station for use before entering the porch.