Friday, June 19, 2009

Rising to the Challenge

Christian Youth in Action, aka CYIA, is a camp that Michaela (4 years, see her previous blog) and Joshua (3 years) have attended. Elfrieda Harder has been associated with CYIA for time in memoriam (that means a long time in the past of an indefinite nature). A loose tradition has been to serenade Elfrieda some evening with a song. The group of boys who have done it lately were not attending camp this year. 4 boys, including our Joshua, decided that the tradition must not die. I don't know who initiated this but I suspect that it wasn't Joshua. Anyway we members of the Creer family were fairly shocked at the animation that Joshua portrayed in this serenade as well as the volume while singing (he is a good singer, trust me on this I'm an expert). Joshua is a somewhat verbal and animated person at home but rarely in public (except during some sports as far as animation but not the verbal). I want you to know that there wasn't an earthquake during the video. Michaela was laughing so hard that she couldn't hold the camera still. I had to use YouTube to get you this rare footage because the blog site was taking too long to upload. Enjoy. (Paste the following link to your browser)


  1. Wow! What a performance! Looks like a lot of fun went on!!! Thanks for sharing it!!
    P.S. Is Joshua open for scheduling any time soon?

  2. That video is great! Would be better minus the earthquake. :)

  3. Sorry about the earthquake that was Michaela's fault!!!
