Saturday, December 8, 2012

How Am I Doing?

Physically. This is one of the most difficult questions to answer. I feel just about normal aside from a couple of sleepless nights from side effects of the medications. This question is really about what is going on inside of me. I can only tell you what the professionals are telling me. First of all my oncologist said that if he didn't have it in black and white in front of him that I have myeloma he would think that I was a healthy person. I am not suffering from any outward ill effects. He also has never had myeloma detected in this early a stage in his career. I have had 2 chemotherapy treatments. They are on Thursdays. I have labs before each one to see if the chemo is working. The nurse looked at the lab report before my second treatment and said a lot of things that boiled down to "good". Things so far are moving in the right direction.

Spiritually. This summer I taught a class on God's grace. One of the lessons was on II Corinthians 12:7-11. The themes of this passage are that God's strength is made perfect in our weakness. Therefore we are to take pleasure in sickness that the power of Christ may rest upon us. I taught this lesson and it looks like I am now in the lab trying it out as a practical application. We made a cake to celebrate this condition and have instituted a theme song as well. Along these lines I would like to state that I cannot fight this. God has made our bodies into incredible healing machines. We have discovered over the years more and more of God's ways which enhance the healing process. I am depending on God to control how my body reacts to treatments. God can also reach down and heal outside of the realm of the normal physical universe which I also am hoping He will do. Either way I am a spectator as I watch God work. My main involvement is to follow the directions of the professionals around me and most importantly to pray. More on prayer later.


  1. You are in my prayers daily you sound so strong! You are in my thoughts!

  2. You are in my prayers and so very close to my heart. I am thankful that not only did I have you for a wonderful vocal teacher but I'm thankful you are now able to be the vocal teacher for my daughter and hope you are still there for my son in the next year. Know that our family will keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

  3. Mr. C, what a powerful example you are setting! Godspeed in your healing process...miracles ahead!

    Robin Vandegrift

  4. Mr. C you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad to hear so many good things about your recovery!

  5. Sending you light and love Mr C! Strength manifested in positivity does heal!
