Thursday, January 14, 2010


Last Thursday, we had a game of charades. It was mainly Michaela and I. Daddy did things like up (the movie) cars(also the movie), Joshua did Chariots of Fire. I did the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe. Which Joshua guessed before I had even started. Then for the grand finale, the kids acted out the Good Samaritan which was a school project. Joshua was the Israelite, Michaela was the robbers, the Pharisee, and the Levite. And I was the Good Samaritan! Unfortunately, this Israelite was very unwilling to receive help. Since I couldn't lift Joshua I was trying to get him to move; then Michaela said I should bind up his wounds first. It was then that I discovered Joshua's ticklish spot. On me touching it, Joshua immediately smacked my hand, which resulted in me hitting him and so on and so forth. In the end I guess it kind of turned out as a disaster but we had fun!

Over&Out(I haven't used that in a long time wonder why)

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