Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Turning the Corner

The first good news is that I feel well enough to blog.The last time I blogged I was entering the final stages of the bone marrow transplant (BMT). I am pleased to announce that it is finished and am looking forward to no more caustic chemicals being put into my body. Let me give the chronology since the last blog.

August 20 (Day -3). Chemotherapy
August 21 (Day -2). Chemotherapy
August 22 (Day -1). Rest day
August 23 (Day 0). Stem cell acquisition
September 2 (Day 10). Tests show that stems cells have arrived are beginning to engraft themselves. Isn't this amazing!
September ? (Day ?). Tests show that the stem cells are fully engrafted and I am sent back to Salina to stay! I will still have to report back to KU Med to periodic checkups. This can happen as late at Day 30 but often will be reached sooner.

What was I going through? August 20 - August 28 I descended into an abyss that I would not wish even on a Central Mustang. From August 28 - September 2 I experienced fever, chills, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. All this was overshadowed by the fact that I had virtually no energy to function. Velda said she was trained for this after taking care of 3 infants using cloth diapers. I developed an irrational fear of swallowing. I was afraid of what the results might be. It took all of my will power to take my meds. I did not eat or drink anything and required fluids through an IV. I also developed an irrational fear of the bathroom because of what usually went on in there. One time I walked in to brush my teeth and physically shuddered as I stepped in the door. I was severely challenged to be thankful and rejoice. God is responsible for everything in my life and each symptom and circumstance is working for my good in His hands.

Yesterday the numbers took a turn for the better. I didn't fell any better but was told the body will respond with the number. Today the numbers were significantly better and for the first time in days I ways able to walk without leaning heavily on Velda or using a wheelchair. So now that the BMT is done I have new benchmarks. KU said it will be a very good sign when a certain indicator is over 500 for three days in a row. Today that indicator was well over 900! My energy level is on a bumpy ride in the upward direction. I spent 5 minutes on treadmill today which was more walking than I have done in a day for the last several days. Tomorrow I will try 2 5-minute sessions, one in the morning and one in the evening and then just try to increase the times and speed gradually. I still get wiped out physically and just have to lay down for awhile, but not as much and certainly not all day. I am drinking and eating normally and approach the bathroom with no fear. My taste buds are shot so everything tastes like cardboard.

Please pray for 2 more consecutive days of 500+
           I have the discipline to chew and swallow even though it is not necessarily enjoyable
           Pray for Velda's strength and encouragement, She has been and is still taking care of a 170 pound infant right now.
           It will be determined later the success of the BMT. Pray the it exceeds expectations.
Thank you. 


  1. So good to hear some good news. Have been and will continue to pray!! Go 500 (plus)!!!!!! Kim

  2. I think of you every time I drive past your home, which is multiple times most weeks. So good to hear of progress!! I will continue to pray for you every time I see your home or a reminder of you and your family! Blessings! Greta
