Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Honorably Discharged

KU Med announced today that they are discharging us from their care this Friday (Day 14) and are transferring me to the care on my Salina oncologist. Translation: We're coming home this weekend! They didn't even bother today to see of my composite number was over 500. Praise God! Some parts of my complete blood count are already in the normal range. I still will not be leaving the house much until Day 30 (September 22) nor should I have visitors before that time. Hope Lodge, our KC residence, is sponsoring one of my most favorite meals tonight. I look forward to eating hot dogs with all the fixings even if does taste like cardboard. This is a great victory but the war is not over. I need prayer that the stem cells rebuild my bone marrow without cancer. That may not be fully determined until Day 100 (December 1). Thank you.


  1. PRAISE THE LORD!!!! What a wonderful, wonderful thing that you will be coming home!!!! So excited for you all. Praying for clean, new bone marrow and no complications. Love you guys!!

  2. Love you, Creers! We are praying for a safe trip home,yea!, and healing.

  3. Will certainly continue with the prayers.
