Thursday, August 15, 2013

A New Record

We have finished harvesting stem cells today and will come home tomorrow for the weekend. Everything seems to be moving in slow motion. On Monday my complete blood count reached a level to where I could start the stem cell harvesting. This can take one to three days. We were hoping for one day. My blood was tested on Tuesday to see how many free stem cells there were. I needed a preliminary minimum score of 10. I came in at 3. By the way, I had been taking shots to stimulate my stem cell count since August 2 so to have a 3 on August 12 was a little disappointing. KU said not to worry, the numbers will rise. On Wednesday the preliminary count was 10.14. Don't celebrate too soon. That just allowed me to start the process. Now I had to collect enough stem cells so that the actual count showed a 7.5. On Wednesday I scored a 1.66 for the actual count. At this rate it would take 4 days of collection. Before I go on, I should explain the collection process. We would show up at around 6:30-7AM and take a blood test. We then would wait about 90 minutes for the test results. Then I would have an IV placed in the crook of both of my elbows. I had to keep the left elbow as straight possible which was taking blood out. My right arm could move a little for emergencies. (e.g. scratching my nose) I had to remain in this position for 5 hours. The blood would go into a machine that collected the stem cells before returning my blood to me. After that we would have to wait for post-procedure blood tests to see how my body fared in general. Now you know why we wanted to get done in one day. After my first days performance there was basically an attitude that I would take at least 3 days. I was given a hormoneWednesday evening to help boost production. Today my preliminary count was over 34. There was guarded excitement on the staff and the word "world record" was mentioned in order to reach an actual count of 7.5 considering my first day's performance. At the end of the day I was told that I was done. My total count for 2 days was 7.38. Not a world record but I believe I have set a new American record. There were high fives and general celebration among us and the staff. The only hitch is that this process takes some blood along with the stem cells. Well my blood was so low that I needed a transfusion before being released. Bottom line is that phase 1 is done successfully and we are going home tomorrow until we start the final phase Monday August 19. Velda and I have been learning a lot about patience and waiting to see what God has planned for each day. I hope that I have learned enough because I am ready for the process to speed up. That kind of sounds like I haven't completely learned my lesson. Anyway, we will keep you up to date on the next steps and the "tentative" schedule. In the meantime pray for a refreshing time at home and that our loins be girded for what is ahead. Thank you.


  1. Yay!!! So glad you can finally come HOME even if only for a short time.

  2. Continuing prayers for rest, faith and patience …
    "But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing." James 1:4
    Mike and Laurie
