Saturday, December 12, 2009

Let It...

Snow! Even though we live "way up north" in Kansas we usually don't start getting snow until January or February. I'm usually okay with that and have gotten into a schedule. Well you can imagine my consternation when it snowed in October! Then to my relief that ground hadn't frozen yet and it didn't stick. Then last Sunday we heard we were supposed to get ten inches of snow and to my delight we got eight! Now you must understand that snow in October is not fun but snow is supposed to come in December so I'm excited. I've already got hit by several snowballs but paid them back in return. My cats weren't so excited. The kittens reaction to their first snow was hilarious. I called them and they came running toward me. Suddenly they stopped short and seemed confused. One began shaking off it's feet and the other sniffed tentatively. They wanted to come to breakfast but they refused to take another step. Just when I was getting ready to go rescue them they came up with Plan B. Walk on the bricks bordering our yard where the snow wasn't as deep. Have fun in the snow and don't be like the kittens!

1 comment:

  1. You do know that early snow in October was, of course, due to global warming, as was the snow in December... ;)

    Wish I could be there for it. I love snow!
