After jumping through a few hoops which another member of the family might elucidate on, our entire family loaded in to DW and made the eight hour drive to the Horn Creek family camp in CO. We left at five so when we crossed the border at eleven we had quite a welcome. Almost as soon as we entered CO a enormous lightning and rain storm washed down on us. We could see pretty well because of the lightning but the pounding rain kind of blurred everything. Welcome to Colorado!! We met some great families at the Lodge where we stayed and boy was the food good. Our speaker talked about how God's love should be shown through us as Christians and he used excellent illustrations to show that. Now comes the series of pictures showing what we did which you can decipher yourself. My favorite activity I will let someone else blog about
A few posts ago someone named Ruth commented on my blog. Could this possibly be Ruth Matlack? If you don't know, don't answer the question.