When the summer ended I hit the ground running and haven't had much of a breath since until now. I started the summer with the usual list of honey-dos
and cookouts
We maintained one of our passions in keeping a vegetable garden.
Something new this year was the addition of strawberries. I attempted to clip all the blooms this year in order to improve the plants vitality and help future harvests. I missed a couple and Grace ate our entire 2010 strawberry crop.
Another regular occurrence is the absence of Michaela and Joshua in the home as they head off to Child Evangelism Fellowship's summer training, CYIA. Michaela was chosen as a staff person this year.
Later on we had to be without all three children as Grace attended Camp Good News while Joshua and Michaela served as counselors.
The rest of the summer seemed like one long road trip. We started by heading east towards Indianapolis to go to our home schooling conference (ATI). We always stop at my first cousin's house in St. Louis when traveling east and get some great
southern hospitality. He is originally from Arkansas.
The conference was especially revitalizing as it helped us (actually Velda) to refuel for another year of home schooling. We also got to hook up with friends from previous conferences like the Greg Xiques family from Florida. Greg is also a public school teacher who home schools.
Michaela and Joshua served the youth at the conference as, respectively, a Children's Institute instructor and ALERT Cadet Challenge Squad Leader
The summer was finished off with a trip to see the Scott McDaniel family who had just moved from Salina a few months earlier. We had a great time being with them for a few days.
It was topped off with a trip to the Creation Museum where we saw some eye-popping sights!
The grounds were a treat as well.