Sunday, November 29, 2009
Our Tract Record
I have watched a DVD series hosted by street evangelist Ray Comfort and actor Kirk Cameron (star of Fireproof) produced by their organization The Way of the Master. It challenged me to get more involved in evangelism. The Yoders, friends of ours who live near Hutchison, KS, related to us how they passed out gospel tracts to people waiting for a parade to start. Salina had an upcoming parade called The Parade of Lights. It is the Saturday before Thanksgiving and commemorates the city's Christmas season by turning on the Christmas lights downtown. I decided to take my family there and pass out tracts to the people waiting for the parade to start. Joyce Songer, a member of our church joined us. We started where the parade was supposed to end and worked our way towards the beginning for 30 minutes until the parade started. Velda, Michaela and Joyce were a team on the east side of the street while Joshua, Grace and I were on the west side. The other team made it farther than ours because I kept running into people I knew who wanted to visit. Otherwise we felt good about our efforts to dabble in spreading the gospel. I was especially pleased with Joshua. Our son who is normally reticent in public (especially with people he first meets) handed out all his tracks but one. I stopped passing out tracks to watch him in amazement. Click on the link to view a video of him reenacting what he shared on the streets.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Hello everyone. Long time no post. If you were a follower of our family blog but are no longer I completely understand. As the representative of the family I can safely say we are all very apologetic about our lack of posts and we will try to work on it. My brother and I are teaching a Good News Club by ourselves for the first time this year. Keeping track of all the records and reports has really made me work on the quality of thoroughness. Here are some memorable things that have happened after the last two months.
I am teaching a Bible lesson on Abraham getting tested by God to sacrifice Isaac. Being a little dramatic I raise my hand as I say, "Abraham raised his knife to kill his son Isaac." One girl couldn't stand it any longer and covered her eyes with her hands.
Another time the children are listening as they hear that if they believe in Jesus they can be saved. One girl wildly raises her hand and when called on says this, "That right first you believe on Jesus and then you can get bap-u-tized. Bap-u-tism is when you they put you under the water. My pastor bap-u-tized me. Here I stopped her short and thankfully was able to keep a straight face. She was so proud that she knew what bap-u-tism was when all the other kids were clueless. But I don't think her explanation helped.
Then just today when I am giving the invitation at the end of the lesson an interesting scene took place before my eyes. A boy sitting at the end of the row began having slight trouble keeping his eyes open. Then it became more noticeable when his head began bobbing up and down. As I finished my invitation for salvation his eyes closed for the last time and they didn't open. Joshua was sitting right next to him and didn't even notice. I signaled to him to wake the boy up. He turned and a sinister smile crossed his face. He raised his hands and slowly moved them towards the boy. The kids were all very quiet. Then in a flash his hands came down on the boy's shoulders and he jerked awake. He was really too groggy to be very startled. Don't worry he didn't bring them slamming down either.
Ah, how I absolutely love working with kids! May you be spurred on to do the same. We have really enjoyed the children this year. Every class is an adventure!
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